How-to steps

Embedding the Signapse Plugin on your Wix site.

  1. You’ll receive your custom-built Script Tag from one of our team members. It will look like the example below
<!-- Start of Signapse Web Translation Plugin Script Tag  -->
<script src="" app-id="6aa07307-b2ce-4a48-a0d6-b6dd26f824f9" id="signapse"></script>
<!-- End of Signapse Web Translation Plugin Script Tag -->
  1. Head over to your Wix Dashboard and on the left had panel at the bottom click ‘Settings’.
  1. Scroll down to the Advanced section and click ‘Custom code’.
  1. In the custom code settings click ’+ Add Custom Code’
  1. Copy and paste your custom widget code (the script tag) → this is the script tag we went over in step 1. Copy and paste your custom code into the ”Paste the code snippet here” field.
  1. Enter a Name for the code → we would recommend something that is easy to distinguish e.g., Signapse Translation. Select ‘All pages’ (the plugin internally will handle which pages to embed your widget on) and then select ‘Body-end’ for where to place the code in. Click ‘Apply’ ones all information is added.
  1. Press ‘Apply’ to add your widget to your website.


If you have any issues or questions, please contact us at