

  • Adding QuickSplit functionality to allow PDF documents to be split into chunks based off a set of IDs provided to the API



  • Multipart pre-signed url endpoint for large files
  • Billing endpoint for customers who integrate Signapse billing into their offering
  • Feedback endpoint for customers who integrate Signapse video translation feedback into their offering
  • Bulk file uploads
  • Get translation status ping endpoint


  • Adding UploadSettings object to provide additional context around migrations
  • Breaking change for the delete endpoint that has changed to /v2/sign-requests/video-translation/soft/ and /v2/sign-requests/video-translation/hard/

Beta - 24-03-2024


  • Pre-signed url endpoints are not available for files that are larger than 10GB.
  • Added support for both ASL and BSL signed translations


  • Updated underlying application architecture to ensure the code is more performant under scale
  • Updated the underlying application infrastructure
  • Improved database connection handling
  • Adding a 10GB limit to the primary upload endpoint


  • Fixed bugs with the PUT endpoint not updating files correctly.

Beta - 14-03-2024


  • Added a POST endpoint to allow videos and subtitles to be sent to Signapse for translating
  • Added a DELETE endpoint to allow the removal of videos and subtitles sent to Signapse for translating
  • Added a PUT endpoint to allow video and subtitle files to be updated